
Gözlem Engineering Construction Planning and Trading Inc, in addition to its wide and experienced technical staff, uses modern and high-capacity machinery, tools and equipment in the fields of activity.All of the machinery, tools and equipment used in the geodetic and geotechnical service projects, belong to our Company.Both calculations and drawings for maps, road and intersection and projects as well as any kind of structure design and calculation, we use our own fully equipped computer system.Computer-linked modern optical instruments and Geographic Information Systems are used in geodesy (map-application) works.The Company has a very rich licensed software library, some of which are package programs and some of them are programs developed by Gözlem Mühendislik.

Survey Project and Engineering Services

We have proven our superiority in this matter with our road projects made to the General Directorate of Highways and we have added these services to our references.

Consultancy Services

Other Services